Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obesity: An Epidemic

Do you or someone you love have an eating disorder?  I don't care if you're too skinny, you don't gross me out.  It's the fattys that make me want to throw up.   Ever stop to think about what you are putting in your mouth?  I mean, is it that hard to NOT eat that extra box of cookies, or bag of potato chips?  Take the fork out of your mouth for gods sake.  Eat a salad, and I don't mean with caesar dressing either, that just an illusion of a healthy meal then.   Go for a walk, get some exercise. 
In our little office, we have someone who is obviously trying to kill himself with food.  At first I thought, to each his own, but really, I have to look at him, and if it's near my lunchtime, I lose my appetite (not such a bad thing).  And my significant other seems to be on the same pee schedule as this guy and has to listen to him grunting in the stall (he can't use the urinal).  We are trying to figure out how the hell this guy even wipes himself.   Or maybe he doesn't?
End result of our discussion today, if you are grossly overweight, you should probably just kill yourself now so you stop making every one elses insurance skyrocket.


  1. Hell ya. Why should those of us that are healthy and keep fit (and yes, hot) have to bear the weight (pun intended) of society's fatties?

  2. Be nice to fat people, they are a critical part of our ecosystem. Besides, the fatter they get, the skinnier I look....

  3. sooo true - i will keep that in mind next time I'm fat bashing.
